Space consultant talks about the future of space travel in West Texas
MIDLAND, Texas — Oscar Garcia and his company InterFlight Global have been working directly with Midland for over four years now.
Last week, Garcia addressed the Midland Development Corporation on the future of aerospace and space travel in west Texas.
Published, Monday, November 8, 2021

Midland developing strong reputation in 'Central Space Basin'
MIDLAND, Texas — Official: By the end of next year, 2-4 new companies will take up residence at Midland spaceport.
The Permian Basin is known globally as one of the most prolific oil and gas producing basins on the planet. Now it’s developing a reputation as a prime member of what is known as the Central Space Basin.
Published, Monday, November 1, 2021

Nueva cita en Madrid de la aviación ejecutiva, un negocio de 1.380 millones de euros
Mañana 14 de noviembre se inaugura en Madrid la tercera edición de la conferencia Aviación Corporativa en la Península Ibérica, IPBAC 2019, por sus siglas en inglés, que se celebrará en el hotel Puerta de América.
Published, November 13, 2019

Midland Hires Consultant to Rethink Spaceport
The Midland Development Corporation has hired Oscar Garcia, CEO of InterFlight Global Corporation to advise it on the next steps for Midland’s spaceport.
It’s a move that City Councilman J. Ross Lacy, who also serves as the President for the Midland Spaceport Development Corporation, thinks is a step in the right direction.
Published, May 9, 2018

Industry committee to start work on human spaceflight safety standards
WASHINGTON — With the Federal Aviation Administration restricted from developing safety regulations for people flying on commercial human spacecraft, an industry standards organization is moving ahead with plans to establish a committee to develop a voluntary set of standards.
Published, October 2016